Exercises to prevent hand injury


Hand stretching for injury prevention - Part 1-5

The exercises only take a couple of minutes to do. Not only can they be done at the beginning of the session but throughout and at the end to help relax muscles and release tension that may build up over the session.

Hand stretching for injury prevention - Part 2-5

Range of motion exercises for the hand is movements and stretches that straighten and bend the joints in the fingers, thumb, and wrist. These exercises help to improve movement, reduce stiffness and swelling, and help your hand move in all the ways that you need for everyday activities.

Hand stretching for injury prevention - Part 3-5

Having your hands massaged feels good, it can help ease muscle tension, and it may even reduce pain. Studies have shown that doing self-massage once a day, may help reduce the pain associated with many conditions, including arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and neuropathy.

Hand stretching for injury prevention - Part 4-5

Nerve gliding exercises describe a gentle exercise stretching irritated nerves, aiming to improve range of motion and reduce pain. The effectiveness of such treatment improves significantly when combined with traditional physical therapy.

Hand stretching for injury prevention - Part 5-5

Tendon glide exercises are a series of hand and wrist movements that improve the flow of the tendon through the carpal tunnel. Like any other part of the body, the chance of injury decreases when the area is stable yet flexible due to a combination of exercise and stretching.

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